viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015



Being a teacher is a great social responsibility; the teacher’s speech is transmitted by several voices in different contexts and teachers become heroes for children, they are in the first place after parents. It means the teacher’s speech in class has a strong influence on children; it makes the school days a good environment to explore knowledge or it, on the one hand, makes children have a frustrating experience. The first days at school are the base of a great knowledge that builds step by step following a process which will be reflected in the future. Therefore, children teachers are the first who build a bridge between students and learning; early experiences are basis of knowledge.

Being teacher is not easy, the major difficulty that most teachers face is how to control different personalities, customs and social status in a single classroom and mix them to make learning take place in a good environment. First experiences at the school and the relationships between students and teacher, students and students can have a lot of good or bad consequences towards the future learning. When we are learning something new, the early experience becomes relevant to continue or give up.
Consequently, the role of the teacher has a great value; the teacher has to make a relaxing atmosphere, arrange the activities, control student’s behavior and get students to learn something. It is not easy since teachers are human beings and their mistakes will affect the learning of a group of children. Therefore, It is vital teachers control their own mood and students behavior because learning comes from a good environment.

It is important to reflect about what teachers do in the classroom and how they do it because everything they say or show has influence on the most of the students and it can be hurtful or successful experience which will be shown in future generations through different jobs and roles in our society. Teachers have a social responsibility.

Due to that, the teacher’s influence on learning should be a positive although it implies challenges. Teachers need to be able to adopt a range of roles and skills to suit specific situations, often during the same teaching session. Thinking of the class to adapt activities to the real context of the students is too relevant. It will help students to feel comfortable and to enjoy their learning. Maintaining good order in classrooms is one the most difficult tasks. Therefore, stablishing rules and being consistent are starting points to keep a positive learning environment. Teachers should educate with their own example.

It is not an easy task, but teachers must inspire from their performance into the classroom and be aware of all what it is said by them is important for children and it will become an echo in the future. Teachers take over a big responsibility with which is impossible to play; they are not making machines in series, they are guiding and shaping human beings. The ongoing learning of students depends on the first contact at school and teachers should foster the love for learning. Only from this we will be a better country.
 (by Jeiny Silva)

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